I take great pleasure in starting my Karri House blog which will keep you up to date with what’s happening, not only at Karri House but also in the Margaret River region. I aim to report on all sorts of things that are happening around me, at my home and in this wonderful town.
It was a wonderful start to my day today when I went down to let the chooks out. The Girls have a wonderful chook house that is connected to the the netted orchard area so they do have a large enclosed area even when they are locked up. I let them out for the day to wander around the bottom acre of the property with the resident lambs. Miss Merrilyn has been sitting on her nest for some time and this morning it was time for her eggs to hatch. We have eight new additions to the family with the beautiful little fluff balls entering the world. It warms my heart to see these little creatures arrive and I look forward to watching them grow.